Shop Local Spotlight

Meet Joanne & Tara!

What is your name and your role at Holland & Barrett

Tara Lucia Hill and I am the Store Manager.

How long have you worked at Idlewells Shopping Centre?

I have been here for 1 year and 5 months.

What made you want to work at Holland & Barrett?

I was personal training in Manchester and did it on the side to learn more about health.

What is your favourite holiday destination?


What is your favourite product at Holland & Barrett?

PhD Plant Protein.

What is one thing you wish everyone would know about Holland & Barrett at Idlewells Shopping Centre?

The store is run by a group of great friends as well as colleagues so it’s always a great environment, even on a bad or stressful day. We all have our strong points and weak points but work very well to make a strong team.
